
  • Blog - Ask Emily

The Undeniable Power of Trying New Things

In the realm of job hunting, the simple act of "trying" holds immense power. Consider experimenting with new resume styles, embracing in-person resume submissions, exploring diverse job avenues through volunteering, and nurturing gratitude to transform your job search experience. Remember, sometimes trying leads to doing!

  • Blog - Ask Emily

Ask Emily: Staffing Agencies

Q: Should I consider working through a staffing agency? What are the pros and cons? A: Staffing agencies can be a valuable partner in finding suitable employment, and should not be discounted in your job search efforts.

  • Blog - Ask Emily

Ask Emily: Virtual Interviews

Interviewing is just one of many job search aspects that has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Some of the changes made to interviewing techniques and styles may be here to stay, long after the pandemic is over – whenever that may be!

  • Employment Blog by Rhiannon

Embracing Change

I like to think that every opportunity, every situation in life, provides some kind of learning experience. Whether it be a situation you enjoyed, or a situation you did not, I think there is always something to be learned from any experience.

  • Blog - Ask Emily

Ask Emily: Cover Letters

Q: Do I always need to send a cover letter with my resume? A: The short answer to this question is no. Some jobs simply require or ask for a resume, possibly accompanied by an online or paper application form.

  • Employment Blog by Rachel

Tips to Remaining Organized throughout your job Search

Sometimes job searching can be a difficult and timely process that we go through. We search for jobs for multiple different reasons whether it be our first job and we want experience, we just need to work strictly to pay the bills and put food on the table, or we are working to build our career in a dream job.

  • Employment Blog by Rhiannon

How to get a job with no experience

Young people often find themselves in this sticky situation: need experience to get a job, need a job to get experience - so here are a few tips for applying to jobs with no experience.

  • Employment Blog by Brooke

How to become an Apprentice

An apprenticeship is a great way to gain experience, gain hands-on skills, network with the company, and launch your dream career! It takes some practice and dedication but with the right mindset and these steps, you can get the apprenticeship you have always wanted.