Experience, Knowledge, Strategic Thinking and Hot Coffee! Let’s Meet.
Smart Growth
Business Development Strategies from Our Team of Experienced Human Resource Professionals
Job Gym Employment Services has been contributing to the success of Niagara Businesses for more than 25 years. We provide cost-effective, just in time service to support your Human Resource requirements.
At Job Gym, we believe in providing exceptional customer service and are dedicated to developing trusting relationships with employers and job seekers. Our experienced staff will ensure you receive the Human Resource Solutions you require.
Flexible Solutions for Your Business Needs
Human Resources Support
- Reducing your Human Resource Department’s need to focus on hiring and recruiting
- Recruitment and selection of resumes matching you with qualified candidates
- Designing, conducting and supporting your interview process
- Providing information regarding hiring practices and procedures
- Assisting with the development of training plans and job descriptions
Cost Recovery Strategies
- Advice on accessing a variety of funding sources for your business needs
- Assisting with Wage Incentive Programs
- Apprenticeship information including the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit (ATTC),
- Employer Signing Bonus and the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC)
Recruitment and Advertising
- Free online job posting services on our Job Board which attracts around 200 unique visitors daily
- Meeting potential employees at a Job Fair
Training and Community Relations
- Access to a variety of employment related training and certification programs for all skill sets including: WHMIS and Managing Food Safety
- A close working relationship with a variety of Economic Development offices