John Howard Society of NiagaraThe John Howard Society of Niagara is a non-profit organization that was established in 1949 and offers innovative programs which help build a sense of community. One of the many programs established was the Career Clinic in St. Catharines in 1976.

In 1981, Youth and Community Employment Services (YACES) was established with funding provided predominately by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The funding was directed primarily at youth. It started in St. Catharines then expanded to the Welland and Fort Erie areas.

The John Howard Society of Niagara has four divisions: Prevention, Education, Justice and Employment.

Justice programs include the Community Service Order, Volunteer Probation, Intermittent Work, Diversion, and Bail programs.

Click here for complete information on the John Howard Society of Niagara.

Job Gym Employment ServicesDecember 1998 brought a new look to YACES called Job Gym. This new look enables youth to easily identify, remember and feel at ease with our services while relating searching for employment to attending a gym.

Job Gym is still funded by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities.

Job Gym staff are trained in many employment related areas and are involved in staffing different resource areas, providing one on one employment counselling and referrals, presenting information to local high schools, conducting Job Fairs, providing a variety of workshops and much more.

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