Employment Blog by Rachel

The Importance of Loving What You Do

by Rachel Morocco

Giving your time and energy to a career or job is an extreme process as it is, now imagine giving it to a career or job you dread going into everyday? It can very hard on your mental health, your physical health and it can have a negative effect on the other aspects of your life as well.

Now let me paint a picture for you.  You wake up, 6:45am on the dot. You roll over on your bed and see the sun peeking through the curtains, you have to be at work for 8 o’clock. You force yourself out of bed and into the shower, your dreaming of that hot cup of coffee because it’s the only thing that’s going to get you through this day. You get out of the shower and dry off, get dressed in the same boring pants and shirt like you do every day. You grab your bag, your lunch and you slowly get into your car and drive to work, its gloomy and humid and you every second think “is it worth it? Should I just turn around now?” but instead, you keep driving.

This life of devoting your time and energy to a job that makes every part of your day feel like work than it’s worth, waking up, showering, and changing. It brings it all down to the same boring level.

Now let’s talk about the positives of loving your job: every day you wake up and you are eager to head to work. This increases your chances of financial success, the probability of productivity, you will become a mogul of motivation for the people around you.

Imagine what I said before about dreading going into work but switch it around to wanting to go in. You wake up, 6:45am on the dot. You jump out of bed, open your curtains and look at the beautiful sunshine reflecting off the cars outside your house. You hop in the shower and dry off and wear something a little different today, a bright yellow shirt with a new pair of black pants. You drink your hot cup of coffee, looking at the clock to see if it’s time to leave yet because you can’t wait to get out of the house. You grab your bag and your lunch, and head to your car. You put on your favourite song and start driving to work, annoyed only because you’ve hit every red light, and it’s taking you longer to get to work then you’d like. You park and run inside and happily get started with your day.

Those are two totally different scenarios – which one would you prefer? Not only will waking up in the morning be easier and brighter, but your day will continue on a high. It is important to experience different jobs if you don’t get it right the first time, there may be times you work a job you thought you would love but it ends up not being your favourite and vice versa. The best piece of advice I can give you is try your best. And find what fits for you.

After reading this I want you to ask yourself one question, what does my morning look like? If you dread going to work, think about a new job you may want to try out or a school program that could help you reach that goal. Think about the impact your job has on your life. If you find yourself stuck in a job that you hate but you need to be in because finances, then look around because there is always part time jobs you could start at and work your way up!

If you are having trouble doing all this yourself and need a little guidance and support, the staff at Job Gym are just a phone call away! We can help you find the resources to navigate your way out of that cloud of gloom, into that ray of sunshine! Stop wasting away at a job that doesn’t fit and let us help you find one that does.